I turned 40 last September - Ive never had a problem with getting older..but if you look back on my other pages here, youll see that a couple of years back I had pretty decent health scare. Ive always been 'lucky'..just not the kind of lucky that helps you win the MegaBucks Lottery.
Im lucky in the way that when I relate my experiences, I get a low whistle from the listener..even to me some of my 'luck' seems a bit on the fantastic side. But I can tell you this with some degree of accuracy, a lifetime of 'luck' did NOT prepare me for putting a face on my mortality when I turned 40.
40. Im officially old and getting older by the day. What does this have to do with the beautiful Toyota at the top of the page..a whole hell of a lot. I was kicking rocks, mopey, working every day - screwing around and just generally not.doing.anything.
One day Im driving down the road and I see this shiny red FJ40 with a for sale sign on it. I couldve run off the road, I was staring at it so hard...with its shiny white top and round eyes..I felt like a giggly school girl.
I thought about it for days. I never stopped to even kick the tires. You dont see 40s here on the North Carolina coast. Not in person..I convinced myself that it had to be selling at a price I couldnt possibly afford.
After a couple of weeks I'd decided that the next time I drove by - I was going to stop in and give it a look..and it was gone. Now I was obsessed with the Toyota FJ40. I was combing Craigslst and skulking around various forums and their classified sections. I was looking at pictures on www of 40s. I wanted one. I would get one. I knew it.After several weeks of showing my patient husband HUNDREDS of 40s online he had one minor question.
"How do you know you want one? You should probably drive one at least once.."
HA! I immediately determined he had no idea what he was talking about..then his ability to read me better than anyone else kicked in and he posed a different question.
"Why dont you join one of the forums - talk to them, maybe one of them would give you advice on where to find one - or maybe even let you at least drive one to see if it really is what you want"
And I did.

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    Nutshell Style:
    I survived to 40
    I drive a 40
    I shoot a 40
    What else do you need to know about a woman?


    August 2012

    Filed As..
